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Hung Vu

My checklist for bringing a website to production

To reach a production environment, many more items that may be out of a developer's scope have to be reviewed, so here is my production-ready checklist for easy reference.

The article below is my personal note on what to consider before putting a website into production. It is certainly applicable to this website,, but your mileage may vary depending on the requirements of your application.

Read the "production checklist" of the chosen technology stack documentation

Most likely, the documentation of the technology you use has a "production checklist" somewhere. Reading documentation is a very good starting point. Let's have a real example, the core technologies behind my website are Next.js, Payload CMS, MongoDB, Cloudflare, AWS, Docker, and Caddy. There are specific points to look out for.

  • What is the interaction between technologies if I combine them? For example,
  • What is the security consideration, considering that the application is facing the public Internet now?
  • What is the performance consideration? For example, hardware specification, traffic behavior, and more.

As you can see, these points are very high level, and as I think more about them, a lot more questions showed up and led me to some corners on GitHub discussion, community-specific platforms (like Payload CMS Discord server), and so on.

Now, let's review my personal checklist, in no particular order.


Thinking about the word "front end", I mean it for both "front of the front end", and "front of the back end".

This blog is built with Next.js, which is capable of both delivering HTML/CSS/JS content and operating its own API routes. In this context, I say the HTML/CSS/JS part is the front end of API "front-end" routes, hence "front of the front end". Meanwhile, my back end, which Payload CMS powers, has its admin dashboard. I call this admin dashboard "front of the back end".

Every front end has its metadata information. Overall, they are used to support crawlers, and clients in understanding what the website is about. For a blog site, I need 4 types of metadata.

The first is represented by meta tags.

  • Charset
  • Viewport
  • Theme color
  • Description
  • Google site verification
  • Open graph (og)
  • Twitter

The second is other important tags inside the head element.

  • Title
  • Canonical link
  • Favicon

The third one is JSON-LD. I actually question the usefulness of this feature, but if it is relatively easy to implement without a glaring downside, just give it a shot I guess? In Next.js, there is next-seo package that greatly simplifies the implementation of JSON-LD.

The last one is not an HTML element, instead, it consists of special files that affect how the web crawlers see your page.

  • Robots.txt
  • Sitemap.xml
  • RSS.xml (my website currently does not have this, but may in the future)


In Next.js

The modern version of Next.js supports caching fetch requests, so that raises a few questions.

  • Which request should be cached?
  • What should be the cache duration?
  • Should the cache be ephemeral or persistent?

Keep in mind, as of Next.js v14.0.4, the cached response size limit per request is 2 MB. Exceeding the limit will error out the fetch request, hence making this feature useless (or at least, not intended for) large responses. Caching larger responses, in combination with Next.js images, is resource-intensive. At the moment, I cannot say if this is an error from my implementation or not, but I can say the caching mechanism did hammer down my CPU, RAM, and bottleneck IO throughput of my EC2 instance.

Besides, I make my Next.js cache ephemeral so that every time I update the web service image, the stale cache is purged when creating a new container, ensuring my website is always up to date.

In Cloudflare

There are many layers of caching in web development. Aside from the Next.js system, uses Cloudflare (a content delivery network) as a second cache layer. This brings up certain questions.

  • Is Cloudflare caching at the moment? This can be confirmed by monitoring Cloudflare statistics or observing the cache header of the response. I recently noticed the cache hit rate of my blog suddenly dropped and am investigating the issue.
  • If an issue is observed in production, is it due to the Cloudflare cache? The issues are variable, from cross-origin resource sharing, and no response request, to broken layout (due to Cloudflare "optimization" like Rocket loader, auto minify), and more. In my experience, purging the cache does not always make the website up to date, it is better to enable Development Mode to completely bypass the Cloudflare cache layer to troubleshoot the issue in real-time.


I'm not a security expert by any means, so I do not want to pretend I know the ins and outs of the items mentioned below. There are plenty of deep-dive articles out there such as those from Mozilla documentation, so this list is, well, just a checklist. It is best to search these keywords below in your technology stacks documentation, I bet they do have a section regarding reference implementation somewhere.

  • Access control list (ACL): This goes without saying. ACL exists at multiple layers.
  • Content Security Policy (CSP): This helps the front end mitigate certain types of security issues.
  • Cross-origin resource request (CORS), same-origin policy (SOP), and cross-site request forgery (CSRF): Similar to CSP, these are presented to mitigate common attack vectors. These concepts are not the same though, but in my experience, they often belong to the same section in a documentation.
  • Rate limit, IP blocking, and CAPTCHA: These exist to mitigate bot traffic and API abuse issues. There are good bots like search engine bots, but the majority are bad bots that exist to exploit websites. Rate limit, IP blocking, and CAPTCHA are prominent ways to fight against bad bots. There are some things to consider though.
  • Trust proxy: This in Express.js, and equivalent features in other frameworks, is used to specify configuration when the web server is behind a reverse proxy. The setting itself can have security implications.
  • Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS): SSL was deprecated about 2 decades ago, and its successor is TLS. That said, people still use both terms interchangeably nowadays, even in the Cloudflare dashboard, hence the confusion. Just keep in mind that even though they all use the keyword "SSL", products on the market right now are pretty much TLS only. Anyway, simple TLS and HTTPS are the main reasons why I use Caddy in the first place. There is one thing to consider.


Caching itself should belong under this performance section, but I consider it important enough to be in a dedicated section. Now, performance is a measurable metric, and there are various aspects of an application that can be optimized using the said benchmark. The list below is just agnostic items that help improve performance on paper. Are they really useful? It is unknown until there is a benchmark.

  • HTTP/3 and QUIC: The third major version of the HTTP protocol, and is said to greatly improve performance along with many other improvements compared to HTTP/2. This is another reason why I use Caddy as a reverse proxy, as it supports HTTP/3 and QUIC protocols with just a little configuration. But, like SSL/TLS/HTTPS, there are a few things to consider.

My website 7-day network statistics, monitored in Cloudflare dashboard.
My website 7-day network statistics, monitored in Cloudflare dashboard.

  • Compression: I use the term compression loosely here, and below is what I mean
  • Request and response size: This is an issue when the application overfetches. It may not be a glaring issue in a local development environment, but in production where applications are deployed to cloud services (or on-prem servers), it is a real deal.
  • Frequency of requests and responses: In addition to the size mentioned above, frequency is also a factor.
  • Host machine architecture and specification: This is less of an issue for containerized applications as they can run on different CPU architectures. From my research, AWS's general purpose offer on ARM is more performant than x86 alternatives. Anyway, is containerized on an EC2 t4g.micro instance (as nano lacks memory), which is an ARM platform powered by AWS Graviton2 processors. There are some required steps to create an ARM image though, but it is greatly simplified using Docker GitHub Actions.

Potential bugs in compiler/transpiler and bundler

Here is a thing, to make the application production-ready, the source code must go through a compilation process of some sort. In Next.js with TypeScript, the bundling and transpiling process are required. Going through the process means the source code is transformed and optimized by the framework bundler and transpiller. If you can fully control the process, great. In reality, these processes are abstracted away to improve developer experience, and that by itself is a double-edged sword.

  • What if the bundler and compiler/transpiler are "stealthily" broken?
  • What if the bundler and compiler/transpiler conflict with your code base?

Considering the criticality of these components, they are mostly stable, but there is always an exception. For example, the Next.js production build can potentially mess up the front-end layout due to unexpected CSS ordering. This has been an ongoing issue since 2020 and is not fixed as of the latest version (Next.js v14.0.4). References are as below.

Wrap up

So, the list above is what I consider before bringing the application to production. The items, I suppose are all over the place, from software layer to infrastructure consideration. That's why I created the article to consolidate my thoughts for future reference. Is it the best and most accurate list? Certainly not, because each project has its own goal and looks at matters differently, so the points above are mostly personal to me. I hope it is useful to you, but remember to treat the list with a grain of salt.

If you find this article to be helpful, I have some more for you!

And, let's connect!